A Small Family Business

Produced by NCPA in association with Akvarious Productions
Written by Alan Ayckbourn 
Adapted by Akarsh Khurana
Directed by Adhaar Khurana
Role Producer

Samson Sequeira is a misfit – a man of principle in a corrupt world. A mild-mannered Goan Christian married into a boisterous Punjabi business family in Delhi. After two daughters and many years of loyalty to his wife, Samson’s father-in-law entrusts the family business to him.  

Moments after he takes on the mantle, Samson is approached by a private investigator armed with some compromising information. And this is only the beginning of his troubles. What was meant to be the happiest phase of his life descends into a hilarious nightmare of dishonesty, double-crossing, and a trial by fire of Samson’s integrity.  

Whoever said blood is thicker than water hasn’t met this family yet. 

NCPA Tata Theatre – May 2022 | NCPA Experimental Theatre – September 2023